
They're mine, and yours 'cause our voice got lost somewhere in between. Welcome home…

So, where to begin…

There’s not much to say. My name is Sia Morweng. I’m not a writer by profession at least not yet but I love to write. Haven’t decided yet if I should’ve started including the short stories or my undiluted thoughts on this page. When I do though, you’ll just see. Anyway, I love poetry and not only poetry, art as a whole. Passion is so much more than just a few words or few notes, few dance moves. Its all that and more, and that’s what I love. The fire that burns deep and makes you create the perfect pieces.

I have more I want to say, more I want to do but I’m not there yet.

I don’t think I’m at any standard good at putting my thoughts down like they are in my head but please, bare with me. I swear in my head they make sense and at the moment I’m writing them, I feel all there is on that piece. Its me, undivided and all.

Thank you for being here and, and well, I’d be happy if you stayed…